Todoist Every Workday

In this post we will compare Week Plan to Todoist, one of the best-known time management apps. Todoist has been released in 2007 by the Doist startup and it currently has around 2 million users. The tool can be used to manage tasks from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

We are going to compare Week Plan and Todoist in terms of features, time management concepts, and price. In the end, you should be able to tell which app suits you better and when to choose either of them.

Every: Completing a task that has a due date of every 3 months will set the task’s due date to 3 months from the task's original date. For instance, if you created a task on January 10th with a due date of every 3 months, it will recur on Jan 10, Apr 10, July 10, etc regardless of when you actually complete the task. I have two 30min blocks of time dedicated to unblocking others, one at the start of the day, and one just after lunch. A book author might to unblock others once every few days, while a CEO might need to unblock people every hour. At the end of the workday, I plan tomorrow. For example, if you set a task and type every 1st Tuesday of the month, Todoist will know to schedule it repeatedly on the 1st Tuesday of every month from that day forward. What recurring instructions can you shorten? You can use natural language in long or short format to instruct Todoist of your required recurrence. Using recurring and repeating tasks in Todoist is a great way to save a lot of time and to stay on top of all of your tasks that occur regularly, or at least more than once.

Todoist features

  • Accessing tasks from anywhere, using any device and browser.
  • Compatibility with 15+ platforms.
  • Sharing tasks with family, friends and co-workers.
  • Simple and clutter-free design.
  • Sub projects and sub tasks.
  • Notifications.
  • Todoist repeating tasks feature to easily add all recurring tasks.
  • Todoist app feature to use it on multiple apps including Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows.
  • Color-coded priority levels.
  • Comments and labels.

Week Plan features

  • Weekly view.
  • Marking tasks as important and/or urgent.
  • Formulating goals related to the various roles you play in your life (Partner, Father, Colleague, and so on).
  • Automatically moving tasks to the next day.
  • Parking Lot for dumping ideas and using them later.
  • Personal journal where you reflect on your day or week.
  • Additional features included in the PRO version.

Todoist pricing Plans

Todoist offers a free plan along with two paid plans.

Premium for Professionals - $3 per user per month billed annually

Business for Teams - $5 per user per month billed annually

Week Plan Pricing

Week Plan offers same pricing plan for all.

Monthly subscription - $16.25 per month

Yearly subscription - $156 per year (save $39)

The Philosophy behind Todoist

Torrent download client. Based on their tagline (“Start getting more done in less time”), their app and blog contents Todoist focuses on improving productivity and helping users complete more tasks every single day. Productivity is a recurring keyword:

“Redefining productivity since 2007”

“At Doist, we specialize in productivity software.”

“How Exceptionally Productive People End The Workday”

Todoist does use the concept of priority, but it doesn’t have a central role in their time management philosophy.

What makes Week Plan different

The difference between Week Plan and other productivity tools is its vision on time management.

While most apps help you become more “productive” by encouraging you to tick as many tasks as possible, Week Plan helps you keep your goals in mind and focus on what is the most important – or become more effective.

We put emphasis on completing the tasks that matter, not on ticking a large number of tasks so you feel overwhelmed and exhausted at the end of the day.

This is why you can mark tasks as urgent and/or important – so you prioritize activities and feel in control of your life.

Why Would you Choose Todoist

Signing up for an app like Todoist is a good idea if:

  • You want to focus on productivity or getting more things done each day
  • You consider the old paradigm of productivity works well for you
  • You want to get access to 15+ platforms through your time management app

Why Would you Choose Week Plan as Todoist Alternative

Here’s what Week Plan is the best alternative to Todoist among various Todoist alternatives:

  • A new and successful vision on how to get things done
  • Learning how to become more effective and de-clutter your weekly schedule
  • Thinking in terms of roles
  • Planning and managing tasks week by week
  • Fresh content and advice on how to become more effective
  • Great features for teams

If you want to change the way you manage daily and weekly tasks, Week Plan can offer you the right tools both in terms of underlying concepts and features!

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Todoist is my tool of choice for efficiently managing my daily tasks and ideas. I consider myself as a Todoist power user. I have tried most of the modern productivity methods and systems and used them with Todoist. This has helped me to find the most suitable Todoist set up for myself.

My setup might not be the best one for you, so I have collected most of my daily Todoist hacks to this guide. You can try these out to see which ones work for your productivity and task management workflow.

Todoist Every Workday App

Use keyboard shortcuts

Todoist has a great set of keyboard shortcuts available. Using keyboard shortcuts will make you a productivity guru. I highly recommend that you use them in all your apps and software.

Just think about it. If you spend 3 seconds to do something that can be automated using an easy and fast keyboard shortcut and do that activity 100 times a day, you will save 5 minutes of your valuable time every day. That might not sound like a lot but multiply that with all the other keyboard shortcuts you are using and 365 days per year. It will add up.

You can find all the available Todoist shortcuts here:

My personal favorites

  • Use @ to add a label to tasks. Todoist will suggest tags that are already created.
  • Pick the right project for the task using the # sign
  • If you are browsing some project and want to jump to your start page, use “h.”
  • Use “q” to add tasks quickly
  • You might have noticed that you cannot activate the Todoist search function with OS based commands (Command + F in Mac OS X or Control + F in Windows). Just press “f” to activate search in Todoist.
  • Sort project tasks using d = date, p = priority, n = name, or r = assignee

Make your weekly review as repeating task

The weekly review is the most important component of any productivity system. It makes sure that you clean up and order your task management system weekly.

Most users do their weekly review on Sunday evening.

I personally like to do it first thing on Monday morning, but it all depends on your preference. I found it hard to keep up with the weekly habit when I tried to do my Sunday review. Usually, I just forgot to do it due to other things that were more important at the time.

Because the weekly review is integral to a well-functioning productivity system, I recommend that you make it a repeating task to your Todoist. Just create new tasks as “Weekly review @every Sunday at 7 pm,” for example.

Use subtasks inside the main weekly review task to remind you about all the steps in the workflow.

Customise your mobile start page

Did you know that you can have a different start page for a mobile app?

Go to Settings, and you should see the Start page option. There you can define what is your start page when you open up Todoist.

Below is an option for the “Sync Start Page.” By unchecking this option, you can have different start pages for different devices.

I like to use a different filter for my Start page on desktop vs. mobile. Usually, I am working in a different context when I am on my desktop. This way, I can increase my productivity because I have quicker access to relevant tasks.

Access Todoist everywhere

One of the best features of Todoist is the universal platform support. You can access the app from any browser, download a native app for Mac OS X or Windows, or use a mobile app.

Download Todoist to all of the devices that you use.

Personally, I’m not particularly eager to use Todoist on my iPad. Still, I have the app installed on it anyway: Sometimes, when I read my Kindle on iPad, I come up with some idea or todo. Using the iPad app, I can quickly add a new task to Todoist instead of grabbing my mobile phone to do it.

Build a custom dashboard with filters

The default setting of Todoist shows your tasks for today.

You can also build a custom view that shows a wider variety of different tasks depending on your needs.
For example, you can build a filter that shows tasks labeled as Priority 1; they are due today and labeled as Work tasks.

To do this, you need first to define the filter and then set it as a start page for your device.

Examples of filters:
Query: (overdue | today) & ##work
Result: show all the tasks that are overdue OR due today and are in project Work or its subprojects.
Query: due: 9 days & !recurring
Results: All tasks due in the next nine days that are not recurring

As you can see, Todoist filters are really versatile and handy to define different views for your tasks. You can create different filters for different devices. This way, you have context-based filters for different use cases. For example, on mobile, you can see all the urgent tasks for today and desktop tasks related to work.

Tag your tasks according to your energy levels

This is one of my major uses for Todoist tags. It really helps in cases where you have over 10 tasks for individual days. It can feel overwhelming to look at a list of 18 tasks and decide where you should start.

By grouping tasks according to their level of energy requirements will help you to manage your tasks efficiently.

So what does this mean in practice?

I divide my tasks into three distinct categories according to their focus and intensity: 10min, 30min, and 60min. There doesn’t represent the actual time that is required but rather acts as a categorization. You could just as well use easy, medium, and hard labels.

10min tasks are those that can be done quickly and easily. They don’t require a deep focused state and concentration. These are tasks like: “answer email,” “talk with X about Y,” “take out the trash,” etc. I usually do these tasks later in the day, when my energy levels have depleted.

You can also further group similar tasks together. For example, you might have tasks tagged with @email and @10min. These are quick emails that you can send while you are on your computers answering emails.
60min tasks require deep focus and concentration. I usually like to do them in the morning when I am still refreshed and full of energy.

I recommend that you shouldn’t have more than 1-2 60min tasks per day, because they are quite exhausting. For example, writing a report or building a presentation might fall into this category.

By filtering your Today view by different energy requirements, you can control how stressed you feel. When you need to focus, you can clean all the irrelevant tasks from your view by selecting the 60min tag.

Use a closing task for the day

I have repeating tasks each workday, which makes me check that I have accomplished everything for the day. It is just a quick review to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

On some days, there is an immediate crisis that makes me reorder my whole day, and I might miss important tasks. By reviewing my day in the afternoon, I can make sure that I can still foster those important tasks.

You can also check out handy evening ritual guide that I wrote:

Add email as tasks from Gmail

I use this feature almost daily.

Many of the emails that I receive relate to a project in Todoist. You can install a browser plugin that allows you to send emails as tasks to Todoist. The task will include a link to the email for quick reference.

Add read later website using OS X Share extension

Sometimes I stumble upon an interesting website that I want to check later. I used to use different Read Later apps, but the problem with them was that I always forgot to check the app and read the articles.

A couple of years ago, I started to send interesting articles to Todoist as tasks. I usually schedule them for tomorrow. This way, I will actually read the article.

You can use the built-in share extension to send any item from most of Mac OS X or iOS to Todoist. Just select “File” and then “Share” from the main menu. Mac update bundle.

Use vacation mode

Karma streak is a really great motivator to get things done daily. You can set your daily goals in Todoist settings. Just navigate yourself to Karma, and in the middle of the page, you should see the Goal section.

Sometimes you have managed to do a long Karma streak, and you have your vacation coming.

What now? You don’t want to lose your precious goal streak, but you need to take some time off work.

You can activate the so-called Vacation mode when turned on, your streaks and Karma will remain intact even if you don’t achieve your goals. This way you can really have your cake and eat it too.

Connect your calendar

This is not a hack but rather a must-do thing if you are a heavy Todoist user.

I teach about managing your notes, tasks, and calendar as a holy trinity of a productivity system. You need a place for your thoughts (notes), your tasks and projects (Todoist), and you need to manage your days (calendar).

Todoist has the somewhat unique feature of two-way calendar sync.

It means that the tasks you create in Todoist will show up in your calendar. But it also works the other way around: if you create a new calendar entry in your Todoist calendar, it will pop up in the app too!

This two-way sync allows you to reschedule your tasks in your calendar too. You can move around your scheduled tasks, and they will update their associated date accordingly.

Leverage location-based notifications

This is a feature that I personally use only once in a while.

Todoist has a task level feature where you can have a reminder about the task at a certain time or place. The time-based reminder is easier to manage in your calendar. Still, the location-based reminder allows Todoist to remind you to do a task in a certain area or location. This feature requires that you have allowed the Todoist app to use your location.

You can use it to remind you about some specific shopping item you need to get when you are in the vicinity of a shopping center or give your friend a call when visiting a certain town.

Before you use this handy feature, I recommend that you test it out. I initially had some problems getting it working, but it started to operate reliably after a couple of reboots.

Use Waiting tag for delegated tasks

There are occasions where you have personally done a certain task, but you have to wait for someone else to review it or do some next step in the process. You could do separate sub-tasks and handle them using them. I’m not particularly eager to use sub-tasks very often because it doesn’t show its parent task very clearly in the Today view.

I use a specific “Waiting” tag to handle tasks that I have delegated to others.

I usually also add a date to those tasks, so I remember to review if the person has done the task or if I need to remind them about it.

If the tasks contain a specific person I have delegated the task to, I also add that person’s individual name tag. This way, Todoist reminds me about that delegated task when I filter all the tasks related to that person.

Use voice commands to create new tasks

I usually get a lot of new ideas and things to do when I am driving.

If you do too, I highly recommend that you don’t try to drive and type simultaneously. I see this in the traffic all the time. Drivers are checking their social media or typing a message while they are driving on the highway!

Ms office for mac trial. Todoist supports iOS voice commands. You can make Siri add new Todoist tasks. Just make sure that you have enabled Siri-support in iOS Todoist settings.

I had some problems to get this feature working, so you should test it out before using it while driving. You really don’t want to go through a different setting while you drive.

Use custom swipe gestures

Have you noticed that you can swipe individual tasks in Todoist?

The default settings are to Complete a task for the right swipe and Schedule a task for the left swipe. You can change these in iOS Todoist apps settings. Navigate yourself to General settings, and you can find the swipe settings at the bottom of the page.

Activate dark mode

I hope that you have automated your dark mode setting in iOS. This helps you to turn dark mode on all the apps that support it. It is a critical feature to make you sleep better.

White/blueish screens will distract your sleep because it will make your brain think that it is morning. You can help this with the iOS inbuilt Night Shift feature. It starts to gradually change the tint of your screen to more yellowish in the evening.

But the dark mode is an even more convenient feature because it inverts the colors on the screen. The white background becomes black and text white. This will also help with your eye strain if you stare at your screen for extended periods.

Todoist also supports dark mode, and you can actually use it all day long if you find it more suitable to use. You can activate it in Settings / Theme. There is a separate Dark theme you can use (Premium feature), or you can use the automatic Dark mode that syncs with your device settings.

Use emojis and color-coding to categorize projects and tasks

Todoist Every Day

If you are like me, you have hundreds of tasks and projects.

Sometimes it takes some extra time to find the right projects in the list view. Color coding and embodies can help you with this.

I have personally color-coded projects for different areas of my life. This is a compelling feature because I can quickly see what context the task relates to and when I use the scheduling feature, Todoist shows a small bar that indicates how many tasks of each area I have allocated to that day.

I use emojis to separate different projects.

Recurring Task In Todoist

Important projects have their own emoji so that I can find them fast. Todoist doesn’t have some emoji support in the project’s name, as Notion has, but you can add new emojis just like any character in the project’s name.

Use Every! Command in repeating tasks

You are probably already using repeating tasks.

Sometimes you might run into an issue where you have a repeating task maybe once a month and postpone it for a couple of weeks. When you finish that task, the next repeating task will show up in two weeks because Todoist is repeating that task each month on a certain date. It really doesn’t care when you have accomplished that task.

That is ok for tasks that you really have to do on certain dates, such as filing reports, etc. But sometimes, you have to do a task every three months, and the timer for the next action should be set when you finish the previous task. You can use Todoist great language detection to add this kind of task.

Use an exclamation mark with the Every word, and Todoist will start the timer for the next repeating action only after you have finished the previous one.


Todoist Every Workday Download

For example, if you want to call your mom once a month, you can type “Call mom Every! Month”. You can see how Todoist detects your scheduled date and adds it as a repeating task. When you mark this task as done, Todoist will remind you to call your mom after 30 days have passed.

Use templates for repeating projects

Some projects are repeating themselves, and you have to create all the relevant tasks each time. You can shortcut this process by using the Todoist template-option.

Create your project with the tasks that you want to be included in the template. Then use the three dots menu on the upper right corner of the project and select “Export as a template.” There are two options for exporting: as a file or as a sharable link. Keep the “Use relative dates” selection checked, so Todoist will automatically use correct dates when importing the template.

If you export the template as a shareable URL, you’ll have to save that link somewhere.

Using that link, you are creating a new project for Todoist using tasks defined in the template. If you export the template as a file, you can use the Import from template option in the Project menu to create new tasks from the template.


As you can see, Todoist is a really versatile and useful task manager.

One of the best aspects of Todoist is that it has kept itself loyal to the original use case, which is task management. Most applications start to add features, and they end up being bloated apps that cannot deliver the original benefit of the app.

Todoist Every Day Until

So, you can use Todoist in many different ways, and you can most certainly tailor it to fit your productivity workflows and process. I would like to know what your best tricks and tips for using Todoist are?

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