Lyman Balmer Paschen

The short wavelength limit of the Lyman, Paschen and Balmer series, in the hydrogen spectrum, are denoted by λ L, λ P and λ B respectively. Arrange these wavelengths in increasing order. Lyman series transitions. A continuum of light passing through this gas will consequently result in Balmer series absorption. A continuum of light passing through this gas will consequently result in Paschen series absorption. Paschen series transitions.

An electron in the ground state can absorb energy and enter a higher energy level (excited state). Paschen

Lyman Series Vs Balmer Series

For hydrogen, an electron in the ground state occupies the first energy level (n=1)

For hydrogen, an electron in the excited state occupies an energy level greater than n=1 (ie, n=2, n=3 etc)

An excited electron will fall down to a lower energy level, emitting a photon of particular energy (and hence of a particular wavelength(1)) in the process.

The greater the energy of the photon emitted, the shorter its wavelength is.

  • Observing and recording the wavelengths of these emitted photons results in an emission spectrum consisting of discrete lines.
  • The lines in the hydrogen emission spectrum are grouped together in a number of different named series:

    ⚛ Lyman series : a group of lines in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Lyman Balmer Paschen Brackett Pfund Series

    ⚛ Balmer series : a group of lines around the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum.


    Lyman Balmer Paschen Brackett Series

    ⚛ Paschen series : a group of lines in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    ⚛ Brackett series, Pfund series and Humphreys series also occur in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Each of these series corresponds to excited electrons falling down to a particular energy level:(2)Brackett

    ⚛ Lyman series : excited electrons fall back to the n=1 energy level

    ⚛ Balmer series : excited electrons fall back to the n=2 energy level

    ⚛ Paschen series : excited electrons fall back to the n=3 energy level

    ⚛ Brackett series : excited electrons fall back to the n=4 energy level


    What Is The Difference Between Lyman And Balmer Series

    ⚛ Pfund series : excited electrons fall back to the n=5 energy level

    Lyman Balmer Paschen Brackett Pfund

    ⚛ Humphreys series : excited electrons fall back to the n=6 energy level

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