Visual Studio Code Ipad

Versions and tools used:

Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform. Ive tried every way of running VS CODE, from a raspberry pi (the magic keyboard doesn’t work) to codespaces(the environment doesn’t seem to persist), to a dedicated digital ocean code oss build - no browser on the ipad seems to load it properly. Works fine on the air grrr. At that point, I figured I’d keep the air, and wait another year. GitHub Codespaces supports Visual Studio Code and modern web browsers. With your development in the cloud, seamlessly switch between tools and contribute code from anywhere, anytime. This is a quick tutorial of how to setup a Google cloud VM, with Ubuntu and VS Code on board, using just your iPad. The result is a fully functioning linux d. My Rec ommendation for Codeanywhere. My Recommendation for Codeanywhere.

  • code-server version 3.4.1

  • Ubuntu 18.04 (should fit with most distros)

  • Your own server

  • Your own domain

With Apple increasing their focus1 on making the iPad a viable device for work, it is time to revisit using my iPad as a workstation for programming.

I rely heavily on command-line tools and language-specific tools (rust-analyser, node, ghcide, etc.) for my day-to-day programming, and my current setup features:

  • Blink with mosh to a remote server.
  • Neovim and wemux on the remote server.
  • iSH to play around with very simple CLI needs locally on the iPad.

On my computer, I use Visual Studio Code, and it’s long been a wish to get that running somehow on my iPad. This is an attempt to make VS Code available on the iPad under the restrictions that we have to deal with.

This setup unfortunately doesn’t eliminate the need for a server yet! We’ll have to dream of that day to come.

Enter code-server

code-server enables you to run VS Code on a remote server, and access it through a browser. While not ideal, this is at least one way to get VS Code onto an iPad.


First, SSH into your server, so that we can set up code-server,

Neat! 🙂 This was previously multiple steps, but code-server’s recent addition of the quick-install script makes this painless.

Securing the setup for remote access


So far, code-server is only listening for local connections, but we’d like to be able to use it on the go, from a browser on the iPad. This means we have to do a little extra work to secure our setup.

code-server covers how to do this in their FAQ, but skips the specific steps. Due to an issue with self-signed certificates on iOS, we cannot use these2, so instead we will opt for letsencrypt!

First, we will install certbot, which will manage the certificate renewal on our server,

Because these certificates are managed under certbot, we’ll need to set up a script that will move the certificates to a location we want, so our code-server does not need root permissions. Google chrome download 64 bit. We’ll do this with a deploy-hook, which runs after each successful renewal.

Let’s make a directory for the certificates. For convenience we will also export our domain name as an environment variables, to be used throughout the rest of the post (change to your own domain and XXXXxxxxXXXXXxxxxxxxXXXXXX to your secret password),

Let’s set up the renewal script in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/,

We’ll now set up our certificates by starting certbot. During this, you will be asked for your email and agree to the terms of service.

This will create the certificates in /etc/letsencrypt/live/$DOMAIN. Check that everything works by doing a dry-run of the certificate renewal,

Excellent! We can now configure code-server to use these certificates,


Navigate to your domain on port 8080. A login screen should appear. Use the password that the server printed, and you are in! 🥳

Congratulations, you’ve now got a stable setup for editing code in your iPad browser 🎉

Certbot not updating automatically

Programming On Ipad

Since we are running the standalone version of certbot, we’ll need port 80 to be free. Make sure sudo certbot renew --dry-run does not complain about not being able to connect on port 80. If you experience this, check that you don’t have nginx or apache occupying the port,

If they are, disable and stop them using systemctl. If this is not possible, then you can make certbot utilize either of these. DigitalOcean has some excellent guides:


How To Use Visual Studio Code On Ipad Pro

  • 20th of June, 2020
    • Removed section on how to daemonize the setup now that code-server has added their own support for this
    • Switched to using code-server’s new install script instead of downloading and setting up assets manually
    • Updated letsencrypt instructions to utilize code-server’s new config.yml to contain cert paths and password

Coding On Ipad


  2. See issue code-server#1122 covering this.↩︎

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