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MITRE ATT&CK for Visual Studio Code. Provides features for working with MITRE ATT&CK techniques. Editor Features Code Completion. This extension provides Intellisense-like support for ATT&CK tactics, techniques and sub-techniques. This includes completions for technique names too, so typing either Powers or T1059.001 will insert the appropriate. One place for all extensions for Visual Studio, Azure DevOps Services, Azure DevOps Server and Visual Studio Code. Discover and install extensions and subscriptions to create the dev environment you need. Visual Studio Code does not have the concept of a known 'web application port' like Visual Studio for project types such as ASP.NET. However, if you are joining a collaboration session from a Visual Studio host, you may automatically see your default browser appear when debugging starts that is then automatically connected to the host's running. This extension adds a Visual Studio Solution File explorer panel in Visual Studio Code. Now you can navigate into your solution following the original Visual Studio structure. Adds a Solution Explorer panel where you can find a Visual Studio Solution File Explorer. Can load any.sln version. Visual Studio Code A powerful, lightweight code editor for cloud development GitHub and Azure World’s leading developer platform, seamlessly integrated with Azure Visual Studio Subscriptions Access Visual Studio, Azure credits, Azure DevOps, and many other resources for.

Provides features for working with MITRE ATT&CK techniques.

Editor Features

Code Completion

This extension provides Intellisense-like support for ATT&CK tactics, techniques and sub-techniques. This includes completions for technique names too, so typing either Powers or T1059.001 will insert the appropriate text.

If enabled, code completion is supported for Group, Mitigation, and Software IDs/names. However, by default, these providers are disabled. To enable them, go into the vscode-attack section of Settings and check which objects you would like to enable.



This extension provides descriptions when hovering over tactic and technique IDs, which include the name, MITRE ATT&CK source link, and configurable descriptions pulled from the ATT&CK technique information.

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Latest pc software. Like code completion, hovers are supported for Group, Mitigation, and Software IDs, and they can be enabled using the appropriate toggles.

Technique Search

This extension provides a command that allows searching for techniques by their technique IDs, names, or interesting keywords found in the descriptions. Mp3 song downloader app.

For example, searching for the keyword certutil, which is not present in any technique name, will yield a result for T1140 Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information, because there is a reference to it in the description. Any matching techniques reveal webpanel with results similar to those found in the hover results.


Automatic Updating

The extension will attempt to keep track of new versions of the MITRE ATT&CK framework and download them from The Cyber Threat Intelligence Repository of ATT&CK and CAPEC catalogs if available.

Window Items

The version of ATT&CK currently in use will be displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the IDE (e.g. ATT&CK v8.1).

Clicking on this item will also execute the Search command and prompt the user for a term to search within the IDE.


Certain aspects of this extension can be configured using the Visual Studio Code Settings page.

Applicable Files

By default, this extension applies to saved Markdown and YAML files, but this setting is configurable using the vscode-attack.applicableFiles setting.

Users can add DocumentFilters to register new document types.

For example, if a user wants this extension to apply to all Python scripts, all _reports.txt files, and unsaved files, add the following filters:

Completion Format

By default, this extension inserts ATT&CK objects by their object ID, such as T1059.

Users can modify the setting vscode-attack.completionFormat to display one of the following options instead:

  • name: Display the object by name, such as Command and Scripting Interpreter
  • fullname: Display the object by name and parent if it is a sub-technique, such as Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
  • id-name: Display the object by their ID and name, such as T1059.001 PowerShell
  • id-fullname: Display the object by their ID, name, and parent if it is a sub-technique, such as T1059.001 Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell

Description Length

By default, this extension displays only the first line in ATT&CK object descriptions, such as those found in the Hover and Code Completion messages.

Users can modify the vscode-attack.description setting to display just the name + source link (using the short option), or the full description (using the long option).

This extension adds a Visual Studio Solution File explorer panel in Visual Studio Code. Now you can navigate into your solution following the original Visual Studio structure.


Adds a Solution Explorer panel where you can find a Visual Studio Solution File Explorer.

  • Can load any .sln version

  • Supports csproj, vcxproj, fsproj and vbproj (from vs2017 and before)

  • Supports dotnet core projects

  • You can create, delete, rename or move project folders and files.

  • You can create, delete, rename or move solution, solution folders and projects.

  • You can add or remove packages and references when the project is of kind CPS (dotnet core).


Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Community

You have to open a folder with at least one solution file ('.sln') in the root path.

Or you can create a new one by clicking with the right mouse button.


The source code is licensed under the CC-BY-SA license.

The icons from (vscode-icons extension) are licensed under the Creative Commons - ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license.

Branded icons are licensed under their copyright license.

Extension Settings

  • vssolution.showMode Show the solution explorer in the 'activityBar', in the 'explorer' pane or 'none' to hide it. This feature is only for testing pourposes.

  • vssolution.solutionExplorerIcons 'solution-explorer': custom items from vscode-solution-explorer extension. 'mix': file and folder icons from the installed icons theme. 'current-theme': all the icons are from the installed icons theme.

  • vssolution.showOutputChannel Show the solution explorer output channel.

  • vssolution.trackActiveItem Select the active editor file in the solution explorer (not recomended).

  • vssolution.netcoreIgnore Folder and file names to ignore when get a dotnet core project content.

  • vssolution.xxprojItemTypes Type of XML element to put in the xxproj files.

  • vssolution.xmlspaces Spaces to be used for indenting XML output. It could be a number or an string. ex. '2', ' ' or 't'.

  • vssolution.altSolutionFolders If there is no solution in the workplace root folder, it will search for solutions in any of these folders.

  • vssolution.win32Encoding Win32 'codepage' to 'iconv.js' encoding equivalences.


Known Issues

Please report your issues: vscode-solution-explorer GitHub page

Release Notes

There is a lot of work to do.


Bugfix #165: fixing error loading solutions from alt folders

Bugfix #118: replacing '&' by '&' in project XML quoted strings


Bugfix #164: revert #118 solution


Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code

Bugfix #155: fixing error deleting folders

Bugfix #118: save XML special characters encoded: & < > ' '

Bugfix #84: avoid errors with non-existing projects in solution

Thanks to contributors


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