Rick Ross Memoir

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  3. Rick Ross Memoir Excerpts
  4. Rick Ross Book Hurricanes
  5. Rick Ross Hurricanes Pdf
  6. Rick Ross Drug Dealer

People The highly anticipated memoir from hip-hop icon Rick Ross chronicles his coming of age amid Miami’s crack epidemic, his star-studded controversies and his unstoppable rise to fame. Rick Ross is an indomitable presence in the music industry, but few people know his full story. The title of the book is a metaphor for Ross's life: the trauma and the triumph. Everyone who has been down and out at times (aka all of us) should be able to relate to Ross's story. His perseverance, discipline and focus in the face of adversities is to be admired.

Rick Ross Hurricanes Memoir Pdf

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Rick Ross Documents Defecating During Seizure In New Memoir

Rick Ross House

Rick Ross is lucky to be alive! Maybe that’s why he’s holding nothing back in his new memoir “Hurricanes”. The book describes everything from the time he was the target of a drive by shooting to his brushes with death due to drug induced seizures. PEOPLE.com published the following excerpt where Ross confirms he once defecated in bed because of a seizure:

I’d caught a cold the day before and had a bad cough. Bittorrent portable. I’d been taking DayQuil and using Vicks VapoRub all day. When I went to bed that night I had a seizure. But I didn’t come out of it the way I usually do. My breathing was all f—ed up. At around 3:30 in the morning the girl I was with went downstairs and told Tomcat I had s— myself and was foaming at the mouth.

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A few minutes later I was able to get myself out of bed. I still wasn’t breathing right but I got into the shower to clean myself off and try to get myself together. When the paramedics and police arrived I had Tomcat turn them away. I’d been through this before. I’d be straight. But then I started coughing up blood in the shower. That had never happened before.(Adapted from HURRICANES by Rick Ross. Copyright © 2019 and published by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.)

Rick Ross Memoir Excerpts

Ross goes on to describe how members of his entourage determined he needed to go to the hospital. When he arrived, doctors discovered he had aspiration pneumonia so they sedated him and hooked him to a breathing machine. Ross says his mother eventually insisted he be moved to a different hospital, Memorial Regional Hos­pital in Hollywood, where they flushed his lungs with a tube and gave him antibiotics. He also disputes TMZ reports that he was hooked up to an ECMO machine, saying, “as serious as this was, it was never that serious.”

Ross admits in the book that he abused codeine and believes his use of that substance along with alcohol and other drugs caused his debilitating seizures. He says he no longer uses codeine and has adopted healthier habits like cutting out sodas, eating more vegetables and getting more rest.

The Florida rapper has lost 75 pounds following his hospitalization and he considers himself lucky to be alive. He also told PEOPLE that he wrote his memoir (along with writer Neil Martinez-Belkin) to show kids from rough areas like the ones he grew up in Miami Gardens that they have options:

“As a kid, nobody ever came to me to say, ‘Man, you don’t know your multiplication but you could still become richer than anybody who ever went to this school,’” says Ross.

Rick Ross Book Hurricanes

“I’m going to tell some youngsters that,” the father of four continues. “That even if you grew up in a neighborhood where people were dying…there’s a lot of options you can take. For one, you can be an author. That’s what this book is about.”

Beautiful sentiment right? Definitely seems that his truth is setting him free.

Rick Ross Hurricanes Pdf

Hurricanes, by Rick Ross and Neil Martinez-Belkin, is available Tuesday in bookstores and on Amazon.com.


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